AOOS Coast & Ocean Film Festival
Saturday, March 28th at 3 pm
Admission: $4
Bear Tooth Theatrepub
1230 West 27th Avenue, Anchorage, Alaska
View films submitted to the 2014 AOOS Short Film Contest!
In celebration of its 10th Anniversary, AOOS welcomed short film entries featuring Alaska’s unique coast and ocean habitats for their first-ever Coast and Ocean Short Film Contest. Professionals and amateurs alike, from National Geographic to high school students, submitted a fantastic array of films on marine research, marine wildlife, commercial fishing, sea kayaking, and much more!
Two Chugach Children’s Forest films will be featured – including a video produced by CCF alum, Calesia Monroe, about the Wilderness Explorers Day Cruise in Prince William Sound, which celebrated the 50th Anniversary of the Wilderness Act. Another video in the Film Festival will highlight the 2014 Chugach Children’s Forest Habitat Restoration Kayak Expeditions.